bags xciuo  

CC 150: The functional Collector Favoring Polene

In today’s installment of closet Confessionals, we meet a collector in their late twenties who loves bags but has a pretty functional attitude towards them. CC 150 began their collecting journey just before university when their mommy passed down a Louis Vuitton Neverfull. From there, CC 150’s collection has grown to include a few other Louis Vuitton bags, with the palm Springs tiny being sentimental thanks to when it was purchased.

Despite a penchant for Louis Vuitton, CC 150 favors Polene thanks to its stylish, quality bags that fly a bit under the radar. This confessor is also a fan of pre-loved bags, having snagged a Chanel Jumbo Flap from the secondary market. also realizing the value of the resale market as a way to sell off bags, CC 150 has reached a point in their journey where shopping isn’t seen as a problem. Bag purchases are well thought out and budgeted for at this point in CC 150’s life. read the full CC below and don’t forget to submit your own!

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Det grunnleggende

Age: 29
Location: HK
Occupation: Recruitment
Industry: Banking
Salary: $80,000
Household Income: $160,000

The Bags

Are you a PurseForum member? Nei

How lots of bags do you own? 20+

What bags are in your collection? Polene One Nano in about three colours for my summer and wintertime variations, Number 7 and Number 10 in stunning burgundy color, my much-loved camel Umi (love this), primary tiny in dual-tone (absolute stunner for the summer), and two great work bags Cyme and Le Cabas.

Except for Polene, I have the Louis Vuitton palm Springs tiny which is my a lot of worn bag out of the whole collection, Chanel Jumbo classic Flap that I gotten pre-loved, my stunning Gucci GG ring Bag in deep maroon, Louis Vuitton Josh backpack and Louis Vuitton tote bag.

How much is your collection worth? It’s priceless ?

What is your a lot of expensive bag? Chanel Jumbo

What are the most crucial brands or pieces in your collection? Polene, I feel that the brand is just so subtle and sophisticated that it lights up whatever you pair it with. rather than being out there in your face, I love how the quality feels so luxurious (even a lot more than my expensive bags) that I keep going back to my Polene collection.

What age did you get your first designer bag, and what was it? 18, I inherited my mom’s Louis Vuitton Neverfull before I started university.

Is there a certain bag you are seeking to purchase next? I’m looking forward to what Polene comes up for this year and also the Balenciaga hourglass b=Bag is something that has caught my eye of lately.

Any particular bag that holds a special sentimental value? My palm Springs Mini, I got it from my first paycheck. whenever I look at it my heart is full that I made it so far yet miles to go.

Do you feel like your bags change people’s perceptions of you or how you’re treated? Definitely, I live in a city that is brand frenzy. If you are a 20 something carrying a Gucci, LV, or Chanel bag here it’s considered to be a status symbol. Let’s not even get me started on the Hermès collection that you see on the street, you want to see bag fashion don’t go to Paris come to HK and specifically go to the central area.

Have your bag-carrying routines changed considering that Covid? Definitely, I used to be inclined towards carrying tote bags but over these past 2+ plus years, I feel that my cross-body bags have been my much-loved companion.


How often do you get new bags? about 5-6 a year.

Has the Coronavirus pandemic changed your shopping routines or overall attitude towards luxury? Definitely, I’ve gotten much choosier in the sense that initially, I would choose brands that were getting IG popularity but these days I focus a lot on the quality, craftsmanship, and uniqueness.

Which stores do you frequent the most? I love to shop pre-loved, so The RealReal is a great place where you can get some good deals though I do suggest you get the bags authenticated from a third party, otherwise crushing on Polene’s web site is my much-loved past time.

Do you ever get second-hand bags? Where do you get used? The RealReal plus there are tons of IG consignment shops locally, I rely on a few of them that I’ve used in the past to sell the bags that weren’t getting enough use.

Do you sell old bags to pay for new purchases? Definitely, if you aren’t using a bag for over 6 months I would absolutely consider selling them.

Do you ever feel societal pressure to purchase a lot more bags? Yes, I believe we live in an era where your social status or how people treat you or even see you depends a lot on the accessories that you are carrying. There’s a lot of peer pressure but it’s crucial to just sit down and reflect if shelling out half of your monthly salary on a bag would yield returns or not.

Do you consider your bag purchases investments? My Chanel, LV, and Loewe Puzzle bags for sure but also I feel, psychologically, when you stKunst som behandler dem som en investering du pleier å ta glede i dem mindre enn du må i virkeligheten.

Hvem påvirker dine å få avgjørelser? Sosiale medier.

Er salgsforbindelser instrumental til shopping? bare for smykker.

Hvorfor tar du glede i å handle, utover bare å anskaffe noe nytt? Shopping er terapeutisk, men igjen har det igjen en respektabel besparelse på bankkontoen din.

Har du noen gang følt at du mottok dårligere service i en butikk eller et boutique på grunn av ditt utseende, etnisitet eller kjønn? Ja


Hvem betaler for posene dine? Selvfinansiert

Setter du til side et budsjett for bagasjen din? Definitivt, den maksimale jeg ville strekke for noe elegant kjøp ville være $ 3000 USD.


Har du noen gang kjøpt en forfalskning fordi du ikke hadde råd til et designerelement? Nei

Skjuler du noen gang kjøp fra din betydelige andre? Ja absolutt, men det slags forhold som min ektefelle og jeg har, jeg pleier å fortelle ham i den ene uken av kjøpet (jeg er fryktelig for å holde hemmeligheter).

Hva er den galeste tingen du har gjort for å ha råd til en pose? Selg noen få investeringer som jeg hadde i aksjer, avhenger av meg, ville ikke gjøre det igjen. Aksjene har stiftet opp med tanke på det da.

Tror du at shoppinget ditt noen gang er et problem? Har du noen gang følt at du sliter med en shoppingavhengighet? I min tidlige 20s kanskje, men nå er jeg veldig spesielt om hvor mye slitasje jeg ville få fra det i stedet for å bare få ting til det.

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